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Ice Lined Refrigerator

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 Name of Equipment

LABTOP® Micro Controller based Ice lined Refrigerator
    Control System Micro Controller based temperature indicator cum controller with digital display and PT 100 sensor.
    Alarm Audio Visual Alarm if the temperature Deviates from the preset temperature
    Refrigeration System Hermetically Sealed CFC Free Emerson Compressor with R-134a refrigerant
    Temperature Holding Time 24 Hours from 2°C to 10°C (with 15 Kg of load)
    Construction Triple walled construction
    Inner Chamber Made of Stainless Steel SS-304, I mm thick ,
    Middle Chamber Made of GI Sheet
    Outer Chamber Made of Powder Coated CRCA sheet, 18 SWG (1.2 mm)
    Insulation 75 mm thick Polyurethane Foam (PUF) insulation between the middle and outer chamber
    Lock Self contained lock and key to prevent unauthorized access
    Hot Line Anti-moisture entry using hot line at the mouth of the cabinet
    Other Castor wheels, MCB, Adjustable Tray Height arrangement. Heavy-duty latch with lock & key
    Power Works on 230 V AC single phase 50Hz.
    Safety Features 180 Sec. compressor ‘ON’ delay timer to safe guard the compressor.
    Certifications ISO 9001: 2008 and ISO 13485 : 2012 certification
    Documentations LABTOP will provide User manual and Calibration reports


Temperature Range 2°C to 8°C

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